Phẫu thuật Phaco trong trường hợp tăng nhãn áp - Phacomorphic glaucomas after therapeutic keratoplasty

Phacomorphic glaucomas are usually challenging cases to do. The difficulty level becomes manifold if it occurs after therapeutic PKP with loose sutures, extenseive anterior synechie, thick pupillary membranes, marked positive vitreous pressure and a poor view through the cornea.


Phẫu thuật Phaco trong trường hợp tăng nhãn áp - Phacomorphic glaucomas after therapeutic keratoplasty Phẫu thuật Phaco trong trường hợp tăng nhãn áp - Phacomorphic glaucomas after therapeutic keratoplasty Reviewed by Thamkhaoyhoc on tháng 7 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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